Monday, 23 March 2020

Holiday Reading -- A book on Capitalization

A book on Punctuation

Dear learners,

The above link will direct you to an interesting book about Capitalization in language. As this book is meant for children, the language is so simple.

Go through the entire book...

Spend your holidays constructively.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Conquer Corona

Dear learners,
Hearty congratulation to all for having completed your practical examination more successfully...

As we are in a long holiday because of the epidemic disease Corona, caused by Covid - 19 virus,
take care of your health and be hygienic...

Stay away from crowd and other social gatherings...

Maintain your personal hygiene properly and clean your hands frequently. 

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Speed Artist - (for the learners who are passionate about drawing and painting)

Hello learners,

I am much delighted to publish this post in which a video was attached from the Television channel "History". The programme was "OMG! Yeh Mera India" Please open this hyperlink " speed artist   "

Much much astonished on seeing the speed of the artist... Why don't you try? Especially Ramyasri...